How to Handle the Negative Effects of Globalization
by James Jaeger

All or some of these ideas may be beneficial to the U.S. and World:

o PURGE CONGRESS. Nothing much will happen so long as Congress is populated by a bunch of career congressmen who have more loyalty to multinational corporations, stagnant ideas, and little knowledge of technology. They all need to go, because it would be impossible to determine who should stay and who the "good" ones have been. They are all involved because they have all been in power while the U.S. slipped away from its Constitutional principles. See m)

o REPEAL NAFTA. Ross Perot warned us all about NAFTA in 1992. We chose to ignore his warnings now the middle class is paying the price. Wise up, repeal NAFTA because it benefits mainly the corporate plutocrats.)

o AMEND THE CONSITUTION TO CLARIY THE DEFINITION OF "PERSON". A corporation is NOT a person and thus should not enjoy the rights of a person. Apologist lawyers on the take will fiercely argue to the contrary. They will even say a corporation is a "good corporate citizen." Don't look now, but Congress is mostly populated by lawyers and hardly representative of the general People. A multinational corporation is NOT even a citizen of the U.S., but it's still a good corporate citizen?! No way. Only by emphasizing the rights of PEOPLE over CORPORATIONS will people, the basic building block of corporations and a nation, be able to build better corporations and nations.

o PLACE TARIFFS ON CHINA. This will wake Americans up to the real inflation, which is running at around 5 - 9%. The U.S. labor force, a mature labor force that earned its pay from centuries of hard work, has suddenly been thrown into the ring with starving, forced-labor Communists, people that will be shot if they don't work for $5 a day. Is this FAIR free trade, forcing the Middle Class workers to compete with workers that have guns to their heads? This situation was created by greedy corporations operating under GATT and NAFTA and WTO rules. It needs to stop. There WILL be pain in remedying this because Americans were asleep at the switch when it happened. The pain they will get in remedying this is well deserved for their negligence and irresponsible shepherding of this country. There is no free lunch.

o GET RID OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM OR FIAT MONEY. Electronic transfers and various aspects of the System are fine, but FIAT money is illegal and Fractional Reserve is an unethical and immoral practice. Article I, Sections 8 and 10 of the U.S. Constitution forbid fiat money, thus the Fed, which issues FIAT money, operates in violation of the highest law in the land. The people that run and benefit from the Fed need to be rounded up and jailed along with the Congress that permits this atrocity to continue. Watch FIAT EMPIRE at for more information. Read THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND for details.

o SLOWLY RAISE THE FRACTIONAL RESERVE REQUIREMENT TOWARDS 100%. The current financial crises has been caused because there can never be enough money in the system to pay back both principle AND interest. Thus the entire world financial system is a huge Ponzi scheme. All mannter of "other" reasons will be promulgated on mainstream TV and the gov because these entities have a vested interest in perserving this rape-and-pillage system. If fractional reserve banking was slowly phased out, money could not be created as account entries and thus it would retain more value. See MONEY AS DEBT, ZEITGEIST ADDENDUM and FIAT EMPIRE for details.

o ABOLISH THE IMF/WORLD BANK, THE WTO AND THE UN. These international bodies are nothing more than the instruments of totalitarianism. The party of DAVOS and the CFR have been working endlessly to destroy the United States and bring it under a One World Government which they plan on controlling with these organizations. These are many of the people in multinational corporations, you know the people that are NOT U.S. citizens. If you think they have your best interests in mind, think again. See a book called I WAS AN ECONOMIC HITMAN to see how the IMF/World Bank and all it's lackey engineering and consultancies operate.

o STOP FUNDING WARS AND CRIMINALIZE THE FINANCING AND MANUFACTURE OF WEAPONS. Even though wars sometimes stimulate technology, they inhibit the advance of global civilization on the whole. This is why we still have more than half of the world's population starving and in a desperate situation. The NET economic effect of any and all wars is always negative. Wars ONLY benefit governments and the lap-dog industries that serve them. Any person or entity that participates or facilitates a war, no matter what the country or what the cause, is ultimately an enemy of Humanity.

o REBUILD THE TECHNOLOGY AND MANUFACTURING BASE OF THE U.S. Thanks to globalization, ushered in by GATT and NAFTA, the U.S. manufacturing base has been gutted. Read DAY OF RECKONING and WAR ON THE MIDDLE CLASS for details. Further, the U.S. is now dependent on Saudi Arabia, our enemy, for oil. Saudi Arabia heads up OPEC and conspires to set the price of oil as high as possible, but the oil corporations in the U.S., so-called BIG OIL, is as bad or worse than OPEC. REad a book called THE TYRANY OF OIL for the details on how BIG OIL machinates to artificially suppress the supply of refined gasoline in the U.S. so they can artificually drive prices up at the pump. The majority of the terrorists that hit our buildings are OPEC Saudis, but the criminals that work for BIG OIL have hit us in many other ways just as badly. The U.S. government is powerless to put ethics in on this situation because we have sold our soul to the devil and BIG OIL owns the Congress to a great degree. Also read ENERGY VICTORY by Robert Zubrin, SLEEPING WITH THE DEVIL by Robery Baehr to see how to handle this.

o PUT ALL THE CEOS AND MAJOR STOCKHOLDERS WHO BOUGHT UP CONGRESS FOR "FREE TRADE" IN JAIL. These people lobbied Congress, bought up our legislators and wrote and configured laws to suit them at the expense of the American People. They then sold out America to foreign interests and are taking profits at this time. These people are criminals and traitors no less than the bunch that was connected with ENRON and Author Anderson. They all need to be rounded up and jailed. Read THE SOUL OF CAPITALISM and WHERE THE RIGHT WENT WRONG. Right now the universe is seeking equilibrium by melting down multinational stockmarkets for the crimes of multinational coprporations.

o ALLOCATE AT LEAST 10% OF THE MILITARY BUDGET TO FUSION. Two times the fusion budget has been cut, once by the profligate Congress and again by Al Gore when he was in the Clinton Administration. This single action thus disqualifies Al Gore from any credibility in connection with Climate Change and it should be a clarion call to all citizens to avoid, at all costs, another Clinton Administration. See ENERGY VICTORY for details.

o DROP OUT OF ITER AND BUILD A FUSION REACTOR IN THE U.S. Fusion needs to be built upon the back of competition, not a bunch of government-funded international partners that sit around and sip tea all day taking forever to make even minor decisions. ITER is such a tea party. The U.S. needs to take control of FUSION and make it happen within a decade -- like JFK made a Moon walk happen.

o COMMERCIALIZE FUSION AND SELL FUSION ELECTRICITY TO THE WORLD. The best way for the U.S. to remedy its balance of trade deficit; lead the way in technology; and remedy global warming is for it to commercialize and sell the world unlimited amounts of clean, CHEAP electricity. This electricity can be used for electric cars and to directly produce methanol for those that need liquid fuels.

o FORCE THROUGH FLEX-FUEL CARS THAT BURN ETHANOL, METHANOL AND GASOLINE. Like Brazil, the U.S. could become energy independent from OPEC in three (3) years if Congress simply passed bills like S.1994 co-sponsored by Brack Obama. Ordinarily government-mandated things like this are unwanted and anti-free enterprise. The problem is we no longer live in a FREE ENTERPRISE country for the most part or never have due to the fact that the money supply is highly REGULATED. The Oil and Auto Establishments have been using the force of government against People in order to profit. UNfortunately, things are so far gone, the only way the American People may be able to handle this is to use fire to fight fire. Thus the People should use the force of government to FORCE the Auto Establishment (which is probably greatly OWNED by the Oil Establishment through secret blocks of street stock and nominees) to mandating flex-fuel vehicles. Especially if the gov takes over the three auto makers instead of allowing them to go out of existence. There is NO WAY so-called free enterprise can remedy this situation because such must "make sense" from a money-mentality point of view. After the playing field has been leveled and the antagonistic entities, such as OPEC and the BIG OIL, have been destroyed or neutralized, Americans can go back to relying on free enterprise. But when a system is taken over by totalitarian cartel interests and greedy corporate interests, it's naive to think free enterprise will right things.

o STOP BUYING OIL FROM OPEC. OPEC is our enemy and some portion of the hundreds of billions we send to Saudi Arabia, the senior member of OPEC, goes to the funding terrorism. Want to remedy terrorism? Stop funding it. Flex-cars that run on any mixture of ethanol, methanol and gasoline will neutralize U.S. purchases of oil. We only have to replace the oil provided by Saudi Arabia in order to neutralize OPEC. Read that last sentence again before you squak!

o START SENDING MANNED MISSIONS TO MARS. If we don't open up another frontier, the World will stagnate. Also, frontier shock is needed to replace war and provide a redundant civilization in case the Earth is wiped out by a meteor or some other catastrophe. Read ENTERING SPACE

o GET THE U.S. MILITARY OUT OF THE 600 BASES AND 130 COUNTRIES UNLESS THEY PAY FOR SECURITY. The U.S. spends between $440 billion and $1 trillion to support a military that is antagonizing the rest of the world. If the U.S. Empire stopped EXPLOITING the rest of the World -- oil, cheap labor, IMF loans -- it would no longer need to PROTECT itself from the rest of the World. Those countries that WANT U.S. security should PAY for U.S. security. No?

So there is a start.

Originated: 18 February 2008
Revised: 03 March 2009
Polished: 29 April 2010

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