HOLLYWOOD'S ALIEN WOMEN Androgyny at Work by James Jaeger
Personal beauty is a form of power. Look how women wield this power all the time -- and they practically run the planet because guys are so sex-crazed, they literally hand them all other forms of power hand-over-fist.But the women in the movies are not only beautiful, they're strong and vicious these days. I would say at least 70% of them are what I would call ALIEN WOMEN. To wit:
Welcome to Hollywood's program of ANDROGYNY.Androgyny is a tactic cultural Marxists developed out of what's become known as THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL. The idea behind androgyny is to:
The goal behind androgyny is to confuse and destroy the patriarchal family unit, because:
The patriarchal family unit is the basis of the middle class.
The middle class is the economic engine of a capitalist society.
Capitalist society fails to the degree the middle class is perverted or destroyed. This process has been happening since at least 1965 when a splinter group of Marxists from Frankfurt Germany fled the Nazis and set up camp in New York City. The rich, drug-infested, anti-Establishment environment fostered by the BabyBoomers' sexual revolution provided the perfect soil for CULTURAL MARXISM to flourish and prosper.
Cultural Marxists thus developed several strategic tools, among which have become known as CRITICAL THEORY and ANDROGYNY. So pervasive has the deployment of the later tool become over the past forty years, you can observe some application of it in almost every Hollywood movie. Indeed, today a majority of movies coming out not only display ALIEN WOMEN, but have at least one of the following ANDROGYNOUS ELEMENTS:
Dysfunctional family Divorced or separated family Wife is harsh, aggressive, and/or slut Husband is aloof and/or cheater "Stay-at-home mother" is ABNORMAL "Out-of-the-house mother" is NORMAL Father is gone, drunk, abusive or tardy Young children are in day "care" Older children hate/dislike father, mother or both Father, mother or sibling cross-dresses Gay or lesbian in the family Gay or lesbian friend Homosexuals ALWAYS portrayed as "more normal" or "saner"
The above ANDROGYNOUS ELEMENTS are so prevalent, it seems as if they have actually been incorporated into the MPAA production code in order for a screenplay to be set up, financed and/or distributed by a studio. Totally GONE is the LEAVE-IT-TO-BEAVER family with a respected patriarchal structure.The writers, directors, producers and executives that put androgynous material out often "justify" it by claiming: "this is the way life is" and/or "all we're doing is REFLECTING reality." These apologists fail to mention that MOVIES OFTEN CAUSE AND/OR INFLUENCE HUMAN BEHAVIOR. They also fail to mention that they disdain traditional vales and especially Judeo-Christian values widely held by the middle class in the United States. Thus, knowingly or unknowingly, Hollywood is a major disseminator of CULTURAL MARXISM, an anti-capitalist, anti-democratic, anti-Christian ideology.
But the cinema is just one stop along the "MARCH THROUGH THE INSITUTIONS," a subject that falls outside the scope of this brief article.
THE ACID TEST:So, don't believe me; think I'm paranoid or feel cultural Marxism is dying echo of the Joe McCarthy era? Think this is crock? Well, go out and observe the movies for yourself. You will see ALIEN WOMEN all over the place. You will see ANDROGYNOUS ELEMENTS in almost every picture. It will ASTOUND you once you know what you're looking for. It will also be so obvious, you won't want to believe your eyes. Hopefully you'll realize this isn't happening just by CHANCE; it's a PLANNED CAMPAIGN. Again, it's part of a strategy known as "CRITICAL THEORY," one of the main tools of the cultural Marxist.
See a short primer on CULTURAL MARXISM at http://www.mecfilms.com/mid/movies/pb_culture.wmv and stay tuned for a documentary featuring Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan and G. Edward Griffin entitled, ORIGINAL INTENT, which will more fully explicate this important subject and shed significant substantiating light on the extensive research of author/attorney, John W. Cones.
16 July 2008
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